International nurses day status whatsapp status 2021

International nurses day status whatsapp status 2021 in hindi and english :-

The ICN hosts International Nurses’ Day each year on 12 May to mark the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth and to celebrate the achievements of the nursing profession. International nurses day status whatsapp status 2021.

In the wake of Covid-19, health and care services have been forced into an abrupt and major transformation and the ICN said nurses in many cases were “leading this revolution”.

International nurses day status in hindi :-

ना रातों को सो रही हो,
ना अपने दुखो में रो रही हो।
निजी सुखो को त्याग कर,
है देश से जुड़ाव तुम्हारा।
बिना भेदभाव के ख्याल रखती हो,
है आम जनमानस से लगाव तुम्हारा।
International nurses day status
सेवा का उत्तम भाव तुम्हारा,
निःस्वार्थ हैं बहाव तुम्हारा।
बिना भेदभाव के ख्याल रखती हो,
हैं जनमानस से लगाव तुम्हारा।
International nurses day whatsapp status
तुम कर्मनिष्ठ सेवा की मुरत,
हर काम तेरा कमाल हैं।
हैं तहेदिल से आभार तुम्हारा,
तू इन्सानियत की मिसाल हैं।
दिल तो आशिक तोडते हैं,
हम तो नर्स हैं रिकार्ड तोडते हैं।
जीवन की डोर हो तुम
जीवन संचार हो तुम
करती नैया पार हो तुम
नर्स नहीं भगवान हो तुम

International nurses day status in english :-

The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest.” William Osler, MD
Neither are you sleeping at night,
Neither are you crying in your sorrows?
Abandoning personal pleasures,
Your association with the country is yours.
Take care without discrimination,
International Nurses Day
Heartiest congratulations.
The best sense of service is yours, selfless
 Flow is yours. Without taking care of discrimination,
Your attachment to the public is yours.
Happy International Nurses Day.
Constant attention by a good nurse may be just as important as a major operation by a surgeon.” Dag Hammarskjold, Diplomat
The most important practical lesson than can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe.” Florence Nightingale

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